The project is implemented by the Foundation Fenix (full name: Fundacja wspierania przedsiębiorczości Fenix), address: Poland, 05-124, Skrzeszew, str. Spokojna, 55E, number VAT: PL5272921426, number REGON: 38559848200000, number KRS: 0000827992.
We help people since 2020.

Flats for Refugees

The aim of the project is to collect funds for renting premises for refugees from Ukraine. Most of them are women and children who have lost their homes, property, and in many cases their loved ones.

The Fenix ​​Foundation believes that helping these people should be a top priority. If you sympathize with women and children from Ukraine as much as we do, support this project.

Help us achieve our goal! We raise money to make this world a better place. We want to raise PLN 192,000 or USD 38,400. The collected funds will be used to cover the rent and utility bills of 2 houses on the outskirts of Warsaw, in which families of refugees from Ukraine will live. The 8 families of refugees from Ukraine will live there for free. The price of the project includes: rent for two houses, as well as utility bills for the year.

By joining this project, you have a chance to help these people.

Project estimate

Actions Price for month Quantity Price
Rent of 2 houses 12000 PLN 12 144 000 PLN
Utility bill for 2 houses 4000 PLN 12 48 000 PLN
Total: 192 000 PLN
Make donation

Data for bank transfers from Poland:

Recipient: Fundacja wspierania przedsiębiorczości Fenix,
Address: str. Spokojna, 55E, Zip code: 05-124, City: Skrzeszew,
Bank account number: 47 2530 0008 2090 1074 8867 0001
Title of payment: Donation + (project name)

Data for bank transfers from abroad:

Recipient: Fundacja wspierania przedsiębiorczości Fenix,
Address: str. Spokojna, 55E, Zip code: 05-124, City: Skrzeszew,
Bank account number: PL 47 2530 0008 2090 1074 8867 0001
Nest Bank S.A., str. Solec, 38; 00-394 Warsaw

For payment using PrivatBank:
Card number: 5168745303810177
Recipient: Andrii Olinevych
Title of payment: Charitable aid + (project name)